PantaRhei Development


TEM optical stability benchmark



The PantaRhei software has been developed by Juri Barthel. The graphical interface provides intuitive access to the implemented program functions. It has separate window components and controls for showing and accessing the input data, intermediate results, and final results. The user interface is also designed to guide the user step-by-step through the evaluation process.

Proposals for further development, i.e. implementation of additional functions, support of other log file formats, different output types, are highly appreciated.



Version history


The current version is 1.0.2, released in Feb 2014.


The table below lists up the main functions and changes as implemented with advancing program version:

Version Functions & Changes
Feb 2014
  • Improved user interface of the registration module.
  • Bug fixes improving the data output to text tables.
Dec 2013
  • Import of CEOS C1A1 measurement log files (txt, html).
  • Import of ATLAS Stability measurement log files (txt, dat).
  • Display of astigmatism evolution in plots over time and in 2D plots.
  • Extraction of the astigmatism data using user-specified Lamor offset and image mirror operation.
  • Extraction of the characteristic function.
  • Direct and model-based lifetime estimation from the characteristic function including statistical evaluation.
  • Calculation of probability-time curves for aberration free work.
  • Visualization of results by diagram graphics.
  • Diagram graphics export to standard image formats (PNG, JPG, TIF, BMP).
  • Data export in text and binary file format.
  • Evaluation summary in text form.
  • Sytem based software registration scheme.
  • Installation assistance.