Joint Sino-German Workshop

Advanced and Correlative Electron Microscopy of Catalysts, Quantum Phenomena and Soft Matter

Tuesday, July 9th, 2024

Thursday, July 11th, 2024

July 7th – 13th 2024

Hotel the YARD, Hauptstraße 22, 53604 Bad Honnef, Germany

This is a joint event of the following two Sino-German mobility grants:

“Operando studies of metal-oxide interface structure and catalytic properties with nanoscale resolution”

“Atomic scale orbital imaging by achromatic electron natural linear dichroism”

FZJ is a co-PI of each grant. Participants can choose to attend either or both parts of the workshop. Additional rooms will hopefully be available for free discussion, so that participants can decide between attending talks or meeting in smaller groups to discuss collaborations. The topics can be slightly different from those in the submitted proposals.


Main Scientific Organizers

In Germany:
Rafal Dunin-Borkowski (FZJ)
Marc Heggen (FZJ)
Wolfgang Jäger (FZJ)

In China for Part 1:
Feng Wang (DICP)
Qiang Guo (DICP)
In China for Part 2:
Xiaoyan Zhong (CityU Hong Kong)
Fu-Rong Chen (CityU Hong Kong)

Registration is closed.

The conference program and information
about the speakers can be found here.

The JSGW was held at the Hotel the YARD.
More information can be found here