FEI Titan 80-300 STEM

The FEI Titan 80-300 STEM is a scanning transmission electron microscope equipped with a field emission electron gun, a three-condenser lens system, a monochromator unit, and a Cs probe corrector (CEOS), a post-column energy filter system (Gatan Tridiem 865 ER) as well as a Gatan 2k slow scan CCD system. Characterised by a STEM resolution of 80 pm at 300 kV, the instrument was one of the first of a small number of sub-ångström resolution scanning transmission electron microscopes in the world when commissioned in 2006.
Typical Applications and Limitations of Use
The FEI Titan 80-300 STEM allows a variety of advanced scanning transmission electron microscopy investigations to a wide range of materials. Techniques like electron energy loss spectroscopy (EELS), energy filtered transmission electron microscopy (EFTEM), high resolution scanning transmission electron microscopy (HRSTEM) with detectors for bright-field, annular dark-field, and high-angle annular dark field (HAADF) imaging, electron tomography (ET), and combinations of the previous techniques.
The FEI Titan 80-300 STEM is not intended for the investigation of aqueous, contaminated, ferromagnetic or organic samples without further discussions with both of the instruments officers and the ER-C general management.
Sample Environment
Apart from the special case of the utilisation of dedicated cooling or heating stages, the FEI Titan 80-300 STEM will allow samples to be investigated either under room temperature or liquid nitrogen cooling conditions at a vacuum level of about 10–8 mbar. Besides this standard setup, the sample environment can be adapted to various conditions, e.g. thermal treatment under vacuum or under gas atmosphere up to 1 bar using a MEMS-based closed-cell holder, or the application of external electric or magnetic fields to samples, making use of a wide portfolio of in situ TEM holders available at the ER-C.
Technical Specifications
Electron acceleration voltage | 200 kV … 300 kV |
Electron beam current | < 140 nA |
Resolution (STEM) @ 300 kV | < 80 pm |
System energy resolution @ 300 kV & 40pA | < 0.12 eV |
Specimen Stages
double tilt low background holder | ± 40 ° |
high field of view single tilt tomography holder | ± 70 ° |
dual-axis tomography holder | ± 50 ° |
on axis rotation tomography holder | 360 ° |
further in situ specimen stages available |