PICO Conference Series


The PICO conference series on Frontiers of Aberration-corrected Electron Microscopy will be the latest in the series of biennial conferences focusing on fundamental electron optics and it’s applications to advanced transmission electron microscopy techniques being applied to the study of solid state research phenomena and the life sciences. The conference series primarily arose to satisfy the requirements of the electron microscopy community working on solid state problems at the atomic scale, which grew explosively in the early 2000’s with the introduction of aberration corrector units in commercial instruments and has expanded since to researchers working with analytical periphery, at low acceleration voltages or making use of various in-situ techniques.

PICO 20XX conferences are typically attended by about 150 to 180 participants and previous meetings have had 30 to 45 invited lecturers with about the same number of contributions from the wider scientific community having been scheduled for poster presentations. Proceedings of PICO 20XX conferences have been published as special issues in Ultramicroscopy in recent years.


PICO2024April 21st – April 25th
conference venueKasteel Vaalsbroek (The Netherlands)
organisersR. E. Dunin-Borkowski, J. Mayer, C. Sachse, and G. Wilbs
proceedings2024 PICO Collection
celebrating20 Years of ER-C
PICO2022May 8th – May 12th
conference venueKasteel Vaalsbroek (The Netherlands)
organisersR. E. Dunin-Borkowski, J. Mayer, C. Sachse, K. Urban and G. Wilbs
proceedings2022 PICO Collection
celebrating25 Years of Aberration Correction
PICO2021May 2nd – May 6th
conference venuegather.town
organisersR. Dunin-Borkowski, J. Mayer, C. Sachse, K. Tillmann and G. Wilbs
proceedingsultramicroscopy vol 229 (oct 2021)
honoureesWolfgang Baumeister, Colin Humphreys, John Spence, and Knut Urban
PICO2019May 6th – May 10th
conference venueKasteel Vaalsbroek (The Netherlands)
organisersR. Dunin-Borkowski, J. Mayer, C. Sachse and K. Tillmann
proceedingsultramicroscopy vol 203 (aug 2019)
honoureesChristian Colliex, Archie Howie, and Hannes Lichte
PICO2017April 30th – May 4th
conference venueKasteel Vaalsbroek (The Netherlands)
organisersR. Dunin-Borkowski, J. Mayer, and K. Tillmann
proceedingsultramicroscopy vol 176 (may 2017)
honoureesRobert Sinclair and Nestor Zaluzec
PICO2015April 19th – April 23rd
conference venueKasteel Vaalsbroek (The Netherlands)
organisersR. Dunin-Borkowski, J. Mayer, and K. Tillmann
proceedingsultramicroscopy vol 151 (april 2015)
honoureesHarald Rose
PICO2013October 9th – October 12th
conference venueKasteel Vaalsbroek (The Netherlands)
organisersR. Dunin-Borkowski, H. Lichte, and K. Tillmann
proceedingsultramicroscopy vol 134 (november 2013)
honoureesOwen Saxton and David Smith
PICO2012February 29th – March 2nd
conference venueJülich Research Centre (Germany)
organisersR. Dunin-Borkowski, J. Mayer, and K. Tillmann
honoureesKnut Urban