June 19th – 20th 2024
Forschungszentrum Jülich
PGI Lecture Hall (Room 365, 2nd floor, Building 04.8)
52428 Jülich, Germany
This workshop is jointly organized by
Precession electron diffraction was invented by Vincent and Midgley exactly 30 years ago and recently ushered its golden era because of the developments of fast direct electron detectors, fast electron beam precession units, advanced processing algorithms and automated instrument control and alignments. Our workshop is targeted to be a forum for relevant researchers to exchange their experience and share their insight on new methods and applications using precession-assisted 4D-STEM and 3D-ED techniques. Part of the presentations will showcase the recent results and further potentials of the recently launched Tescan Tensor STEM platform towards this direction. The workshop is free of charge for participation with a limited capacity. Some short slots (3-5 mins) are spared as flash talks for registered participants to introduce their research results or describe their problems in order to foster collaboration with other participants using the techniques discussed here. Practical demos of Tensor STEM instrument and LiberTEM software package will also be presented.

Registration is CLOSED.
The conference program and information
about the speakers can be found here.
The conference will be held at the
Forschungszentrum Jülich Campus.