GUI - Saving Results

Dr. Probe / Documentation / GUI/ Results


This dialog allows you to save the results of you simulations to files.

Dr. Probe GUI - saving results

The upper part of the dialog informs you about the size and type of the results selected for saving.

The image size denotes the number of horizontal (NX) and vertical (NY) image pixels. The number of images (NZ) refers to images calculated for different sample thicknesses. You may select a specific image (Selected Z) of such a thickness series for the saving to file. In case of scan image results, images may be present for multiple detectors (NDET), and you may select a specific detector (Current Det.) for saving.

The lower part of the dialog allows you specify a common output folder on your system (Disk path) and a file name (File title). The file name extension is determined by the chosen output format.

Two check boxes allow you to switch between the export of the full series or selected image export. With the "All Z at once" option checked, the full thickness series of NZ images is exported, while only the selected image of a thickness series is saved when the option is not checked. Similarly, images of all defined STEM detectors will be saved when checking the option "All detectors at once", while otherwise only images of the selected detector will be saved.

In case of multiple detector output, the respective detector name is added automatically as a suffix to the file name, e.g. "_BF", "_ABF", "_HAADF", ...

The calculation results will be written to data files or images when you press the button labeled [Write Files]. The output log will denote the success of the saving action.

The following table lists supported data and image formats.

Data format (extension) Description
Raw Data Files (DAT) Files of binary data format encoded as a series of 32-bit floating point values and containing one image of NX x NY pixels per file. In case of multiple thickness output many files are saved adding a numerical suffix string of at least 3 or more digits to the file name (e.g. "_001", "_002", ...).
3D Raw Data File (3DT) Files of binary data format encoded as a series of 32-bit floating point values and containing one or more images of one detector. The file contains thus NX x NY data values in case of single thickness export, or NX x NY x NZ data values in case of multiple thickness export.
MRC Data File (MRC) Files of binary data format encoded as a series of 32-bit floating point values and containing one or more images of one detector. The file contains a header with format and sampling information according to the MRC format definition. The header is followed by NX x NY data values in case of single thickness export, or NX x NY x NZ data values in case of multiple thickness export.
Portable Network Graphics (PNG) Image files created by applying the current display options of the calculation result display window. The image dimension is equal to the number of data points (NX horizontally, NY vertically) with the physical data origin (0,0) in the lower left image corner. In case of multiple thickness output many images are saved adding a numerical suffix string of at least 3 or more digits to the file name (e.g. "_001", "_002", ...).
JPEG Images (JPG) (see description of PNG image export above)
Tagged Image Files (TIF) (see description of PNG image export above)
Windows Bitmap (BMP) (see description of PNG image export above)


Last update: Jan 27, 2019    contact    disclaimer(de)